Eleven months ago I announced that I personally invested in another franchise. Since that time I’ve received many inquiries asking – How it’s going? Are you open? Can you share an update?
Well, I’m proud to announce that we are officially open for business. Our ‘official’ grand opening was last Wednesday, and we were blessed to have a large turnout of community leaders in attendance to support our new business. Key employees are in place we are already beginning to service our community. Obviously, one month does not create a trend but we are confident that everything is moving in the right direction.
As I always share with folks, the first location almost always takes longer, and costs more than you expect. Our experience was no exception with signing-to-opening taking almost 12 months. However, when we look at our anticipated cash flow for the first month, we are on track while rapidly acquiring new clients.
As we look toward the future, I fully expect to get the second location open faster with greater capital efficiency. There is a learning curve that we all go through when opening a new business. My partners and I feel confident that we’re on the right track to not only fulfill our three-unit agreement, but to potentially grow beyond that. However, let’s not get ahead of ourselves. At this point we are simply keeping our head down and focusing on day-to-day activities to exceed client expectations.