I have recently been working with a wonderful lady who has decided to become a business owner. During a recent conversation we found ourselves discussing the drivers of success. Is success driven by winning every negotiation and gaining every advantage prior to beginning the business or is it driven by something else, something harder to measure?
There are a number of books written on success but one of my favorites is The Millionaire Mind by Thomas Stanley. This book measures success from every possible view point. The data in the book clearly shows that success is primarily connected to the actions you take to grow your business. A good business person will find a way to succeed in the worst area and in the worst economy – I have seen it happen. A poor business person could have the entire United States as their territory and still fail. When asked, the poor business person will tell you the reason was the market, the contract or any other external reason. It will have nothing to do with the decisions they made while running the business.
You will have good years and you will have not so good years but at the end of the day, business success is driven by the confidence, integrity and work ethic with which you execute the business plan. Look back over your career. If you have a track record of accepting nothing other than success, then you will do the same with your business and the business will success. If you have a habit of trying lots of different things but not really succeeding at any of them, then your business will be challenged. Nothing is ever perfect, but at the end of the day, success comes from inside you.
As you look at different paths, ideas and options, remember – you direct your future. Nobody can get in your way unless you allow them to.
Have a wonderful April