Recently I high profile franchise ‘expert’ blogged that franchise owners are ‘not really entrepreneurs’. Humm…..
I have been thinking about that comment and would have to respectfully disagree. There are many definitions for the word ‘Entrepreneur’ but universally the definitions state that entrepreneurs assume financial risk, maintain control to empower outcome and reap financial rewards if they are successful. Franchisees do all of these things. Partnering with a third party does not change the fact that franchisee’s are entrepreneurs. Securing structural advantages by entering into a license, dealership, distribution, agency or franchise agreement, is simply a business decision that, when executed correctly, leads to greater success. As you explore business ownership, remember that regardless of the structure, you are the entrepreneur. Ultimately, the success of the business rests with you.
As 2012 comes to an end it is time to give thanks. It is also a time to prepare for 2013. I used to simply role along from year to year without a plan. Just taking life as it comes. What I found out is that if you don’t have a plan. If you don’t know what is important and where you want to go. Then you will almost certainly end the year with having made any progress. I would strongly encourage you to spend some time with those who are important to you and ask the big questions. Where are we going? What do we want out of life? What type of legacy do we want to leave? What do we have to do in 2013 to move toward our dreams.