I recently had the pleasure to work with a seasoned Brazilian businessman who wanted to return to the United States to live. Relocating a family to a new country and preparing yourself for success when you arrive is certainly a full time job and it was a pleasure to watch a master at work.
During the time that I had the pleasure to work with him, there were a few personal characteristics that really jumped out at me. Things that we can all remember as we navigate our way though life.
1) He had a plan. Nothing happened accidentally. Over the course of 18 months he prepared everything and everyone around him for the change he was planning on making.
2) He was very careful in choosing advisers. He did his homework and made sure that every member of his team was veterans in their respective areas. Once choosing his team, he trusted them to do their job.
3) He set deadlines for everything and he held everyone, including himself, accountable to those deadlines. He was so strong in this area that he actually purchased airline tickets to the United States prior to the approval of the visa.
4) Finally, he always showed exceptional follow-up and conducted himself in a gracious manner. If a meeting or call was scheduled, he was there. If guidance or assistance was provided, he was always thankful.
Today, he is in the United States and beginning his process of building his business. Just as he was always success with his businesses in Brazil, I am sure he will be successful in the United States. These characteristics translate across culture.